You will find that you are tremendously expansive. These will be deep, intuitive experiences of the true nature of Self. You will begin to have deep experiences within your own center of consciousness. “You realize that you’re not who you thought you were.

Untethered Soul Theme 2: WHO YOU ARE-You must awaken to the nature of Self. You will clearly see that the tendency is to protect yourself from this flow by bringing it under your control.” Thoughts, feelings, and the impressions of worldly experiences are all pouring into your consciousness. You will see that you are in the middle of nowhere, in empty infinite space, and all of these inner objects are flowing toward you. “If you go deep enough, you can watch the psyche being built.You are now standing face-to-face with the root of the psyche.” It was created by building a mental and emotional structure to get away from that sense of fear. “You must be willing to see that this need to protect yourself is where the entire personality comes from.“Your self-concept is just a collection of thoughts about yourself.”.Our major struggles end up being with our own inner fears, insecurities, and destructive behavior patterns, and not with outside forces.” We now experience the daily need to defend our self-concepts rather than our bodies. As a result, the protective energies have adapted toward defending the individual psychologically, rather than physiologically. “Many of us no longer lack food, water, clothing, or shelter nor do we regularly face life-threatening physical danger.You do this because you are lost inside.” It is just the thoughts you have pulled around yourself in an attempt to define yourself. You make a highly complex relational structure out of them, and then present that package as who you are. I believe in capitalism, or I believe in neo-socialism.’ You take a set of thoughts in the mind and you hold onto them. I believe in peace and nonviolence, or I believe in survival of the fittest. You think, ‘I am a woman, I am of a certain age and I believe in one philosophy versus another.’ You literally define yourself based on what you believe: ‘I believe in God or I don’t believe in God. You are the awareness who hears the thought and sees a woman’s body in the mirror. You, who are holding onto that, are neither male nor female. You try to hold a consistent set of thoughts and concepts in your mind, such as ‘I am a woman.’ Yes, even that is a thought, or a concept held in your mind. You are the one who was lost, scared, and confused because you focused your awareness away from your awareness of Self.” You may assemble the most amazing collection of thoughts and emotions you may build a truly beautiful, unbelievable, interesting, and dynamic structure but, obviously, it’s not you. You will never find yourself in what you have built to define yourself. “Who are you that is lost and trying to build a concept of yourself in order to be found? This question represents the essence of spirituality. Untethered Soul Theme 1: WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE-You are not your self-concept (the structure of thoughts, emotions, and beliefs of yourself in your mind). “Are the many aspects of my being all equally part of my ‘self,’ or is there only one of me-and if so, which, where, how, and why?”Ģ0 Conscious Themes from The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer (Book Summary).You see, you can’t fail at this because your ‘self’ is what you are, at all times and in all places.” We are not looking for your knowledge we are seeking your direct experience. We are only interested in your intuitive experience of what it is like to be you. “Neither are we interested in what books you have read, classes you have taken, nor seminars you have attended.We will turn to one expert who, for every moment of every day of their life, has been collecting the data necessary to finally put this great inquiry to rest. We will, instead, turn to a single source that has phenomenal direct knowledge on the subject. We will not argue and choose between time-honored religious views, or resort to statistically supported surveys of people’s opinions. We will neither call upon the experts in psychology, nor upon the great philosophers. “In the following chapters, we will undertake a journey of exploration of ‘self.’ But we will not do so in a traditional manner.Short Book Summary of The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer Summary Contents: Click a link below to jump to a section within this post